Manure Nutrient Summary
Nutrient management planning for confined animal production farms requires careful consideration of the manure nutrients produced on a farm and then development of a cropping system that can utilize all of those nutrients. When considering the balance between nutrient production and utilization, planners must address the volume or mass of manure produced, the concentration of nutrients in the manure and the availability of the manure nutrients.
A major focus of the NC Interagency Nutrient Management Committee in 2010 and 2011 was to complete a review of the manure data used in the nutrient management planning process. The process began with a review of more than 85,000 waste analyses spanning the years from 2005 to 2009. The committee also initiated a review of manure generation rates in order to account for widely adopted water conservation practices occuring on the farms. Finally, the committee completed a review of the coefficients that are used to estimate the first year plant availability of the nutrients within the manure sources. Read the summary FactSheet.
The revised tables for manure production, nutrient concentration and plant availability are linked below. The adoption of these tables is effective 1 July 2013.
- Manure Production
- Manure Nutrient Contents
- Plant-Availability of Manure Nutrients
- PDF version of the tables
Updating the N.C. Nutrient Management Software with the new Manure Nutrient Content
- Instructions
- Database file
To access the original manure data tables, click here. Effective 1 July 2013, these tables are no longer current.